Social Media automation that works like magic.

Automate your Facebook and Instagram interactions with powerful workflows. From messages to comments, stories to buttons - we handle it all while you focus on growth.

Powering social automation for growing brands

    • Transistor
    • Tuple
    • StaticKit
    • Mirage
    • Laravel
    • Statamic

Powerful automation for modern social media.

Everything you need to automate your Facebook and Instagram presence, from messages to stories, buttons to analytics.

Set up powerful workflows that automatically respond to messages, comments, and story mentions. Handle customer inquiries 24/7 with smart responses.

Powerful automation that scales.

From simple auto-replies to complex multi-channel workflows, our platform grows with your social media presence.

Smart Triggers

Automate responses based on specific customer actions and keywords.

Set up intelligent workflows that trigger based on message content, comments, story mentions, button clicks, and more. Our natural language processing helps you catch customer intent accurately.

Multi-Channel Actions

Execute diverse actions across Facebook and Instagram automatically.

From sending personalized messages to sharing media, reacting to content, and managing story interactions - automate every aspect of your social media presence with our powerful action system.

Engagement Tracking

Monitor and optimize your automation performance with detailed analytics.

Track how your automations perform, measure engagement rates, and understand customer interaction patterns. Use data-driven insights to refine your social media strategy.

Get started today

It’s time to take control of your books. Buy our software so you can feel like you’re doing something productive.

Get 6 months free

Loved by businesses worldwide.

Our software is so simple that people can’t help but fall in love with it. Simplicity is easy when you just skip tons of mission-critical features.

    • TaxPal is so easy to use I can’t help but wonder if it’s really doing the things the government expects me to do.

      Sheryl Berge
      CEO at Lynch LLC
    • I’m trying to get a hold of someone in support, I’m in a lot of trouble right now and they are saying it has something to do with my books. Please get back to me right away.

      Amy Hahn
      Director at Velocity Industries
    • The best part about TaxPal is every time I pay my employees, my bank balance doesn’t go down like it used to. Looking forward to spending this extra cash when I figure out why my card is being declined.

      Leland Kiehn
      Founder of Kiehn and Sons
    • There are so many things I had to do with my old software that I just don’t do at all with TaxPal. Suspicious but I can’t say I don’t love it.

      Erin Powlowski
      COO at Armstrong Inc
    • I used to have to remit tax to the EU and with TaxPal I somehow don’t have to do that anymore. Nervous to travel there now though.

      Peter Renolds
      Founder of West Inc
    • This is the fourth email I’ve sent to your support team. I am literally being held in jail for tax fraud. Please answer your damn emails, this is important.

      Amy Hahn
      Director at Velocity Industries

Flexible pricing for growing brands.

Choose a plan that matches your social media automation needs. All plans include core features.


Perfect for small businesses just getting started with social automation.


  • 1 social account
  • Up to 10 active automations
  • Basic message triggers
  • Quick reply buttons
  • Basic analytics
  • Email support
Get started


For businesses ready to scale their social media presence.


  • Up to 5 social accounts
  • Unlimited automations
  • Advanced triggers & conditions
  • All button types & templates
  • Story & media automations
  • Advanced analytics
  • Priority support
Get started


For large organizations with custom automation needs.


  • Unlimited social accounts
  • Custom automation workflows
  • Custom integrations
  • Dedicated success manager
  • SLA & uptime guarantee
  • 24/7 phone & email support
Get started

Frequently asked questions

Can't find the answer you're looking for? Reach out to our support team and we'll be happy to help.

    • Which social media platforms do you support?

      We currently support Facebook and Instagram, with powerful automation features for messages, comments, stories, and interactive buttons.

    • How do I get started with automations?

      Simply connect your social media accounts, choose from our pre-built automation templates or create custom workflows using our visual builder. Our platform guides you through the entire setup process.

    • Is there a limit to how many automations I can create?

      The number of active automations depends on your plan. Basic plans include up to 10 active automations, while Growth plans offer unlimited automations. Enterprise plans include custom workflow options.

    • How do you ensure my automations are reliable?

      Our platform is built on robust cloud infrastructure with monitoring and failover systems. We maintain high uptime and automatically retry failed actions to ensure your automations run smoothly.

    • Can I customize the automated responses?

      Yes! You can create fully customized responses using variables, media, buttons, and templates. Our platform supports personalization based on user data and interaction context.

    • Do you provide analytics for the automations?

      Yes, we provide detailed analytics including engagement rates, response times, popular triggers, and automation performance metrics. Growth and Enterprise plans include advanced analytics features.

    • How secure is the platform?

      We take security seriously. All data is encrypted, we use secure OAuth for social media connections, and we regularly audit our systems. Enterprise plans include additional security features and compliance options.

    • Can I integrate with other tools and platforms?

      Yes, we offer integrations with popular CRM, helpdesk, and marketing tools. Enterprise plans include custom integration options to fit your specific needs.

    • What kind of support do you provide?

      Basic plans include email support, Growth plans include priority support, and Enterprise plans come with 24/7 phone & email support plus a dedicated success manager to help you maximize value.